Galloway’s GoBabyGo talk is on TEDMED

Cole Galloway joined 75 other internationally recognized thought leaders at TEDMED 2014, “Unlocking Imagination in Service of Health and Medicine.” He shared the story of the GoBabyGo Program and focused on the importance of independent mobility for children to fully...

BME senior design team creates unique STEM materials

An interdisciplinary team of UD students and faculty have developed unique curriculum kits, called Orthopaedics in Action (OIA), that teach science, mathematics and engineering concepts through medical experiments. A team of BME seniors designed the first generation...

BME undergrad named CAA outdoor field athlete

BME undergrad Amira Idris has been selected as the Colonial Athletic Association Women’s Field Athlete of the Week. She won the long jump with a meet record and Eastern College Athletic Conference (ECAC) qualifying distance of 19 ft, 5.5 inches while also placing 4th...

UD’s Pathways to Innovation team

Jeannie Stephens is part of a team of UD faculty working to bring innovation and entrepreneurial education to students across disciplines thanks to UD’s selection for the National Science Foundation’s Pathways to Innovation Program. The objective is to rework the...

Slater receives pilot project grant

John Slater has received a 2-year INBRE Pilot Project award for his research on 3D microfluidic systems. His paper "Modulation of endothelial cell migration via manipulation of adhesion site growth using nanopatterned surfaces" has been accepted for publication in ACS...

Gleghorn awarded pilot project grant

Jason Gleghorn has received a pilot project grant to study the directed self-assembly of vascular architectures in microfluidic biomaterials. It will be funded by the NIH COBRE for the Molecular Design of Advanced Biomaterials.

Day group publishes invited perspective

Emily Day's research group has published an invited perspective in ACS Nano that overviews nanoparticle-mediated photothermal therapy (PTT) and discusses recent insights into the mechanisms of cell death induced by this technique. PTT utilizes nanoparticles embedded...

BME undergrad wins triple jump title

BME undergrad Amira Idris (on right) placed first in triple jump at the Eastern College Athletic Conference Championships (ECAC), becoming the first Blue Hen woman to capture an ECAC indoor title in a field event as she broke her own school record with a leap of...

BME undergrads to present at CGI U

BME undergrads are among the 15 students selected to present their innovative engineering designs at the annual meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative University (CGI U).  Read more.

UD BME shows strong presence at BMES meeting

At the annual BMES conference in San Antonio, Texas in October 2014, UD’s BME program showed a strong presence. Our BME-affiliated faculty served as session chairs for 4 sessions. Moreover, 13 faculty and 3 graduate students presented 9 talks and 5 posters during the...