
I welcome you to learn more about the Delaware Biomedical Engineering Department and join us in our mission.
— Ryan Zurakowski, Associate Professor & Interim Chair
Our research focus areas in musculoskeletal & neural engineering, cancer diagnosis & therapy, tissue & regenerative engineering, and disease modeling reflect areas of urgent need for discovery and translation and we are committed to meet those needs.
Welcome to UD’s Biomedical Engineering!
I welcome you to learn more about the Delaware Biomedical Engineering Department and join us in our mission.
Delaware BME began as an undergraduate program in 2010 and in a few short years we have developed and delivered a fantastic design-oriented degree program emphasizing engineering breadth with ample opportunities for depth in areas geared to employment in industry or advanced professional and engineering educational programs. We are so proud of our outstanding undergraduate students and the impact they are already making on campus and in the world.
Delaware BME began our graduate program in 2012 and have rapidly increased our enrollment to 65 doctoral students. We graduated our first PhD in 2016 and our graduate students continue to win many awards and honors.
Delaware BME has a world-class faculty performing research that will impact the world. Our research focus areas in musculoskeletal & neural engineering, cancer diagnosis & therapy, tissue & regenerative engineering, and disease modeling reflect areas of urgent need for discovery and translation and we are committed to meet those needs.
We welcome intellectually motivated, creative and diverse individuals to our undergraduate and graduate education and research programs.
Details of our student enrollment can be found at UD’s College of Engineering website.
Our affiliated faculty consists of 24 primary or joint appointments and ~50 affiliated faculty.
Their research spans several areas including:
- Musculoskeletal Biomechanics
- Drug Delivery & Nanomedicine
- Cell & Tissue Engineering
- Disease Modeling
- Neuroengineering & Rehabilitation
Mission Statement
- Deliver an innovative and exceptional education enabling students to apply quantitative engineering design and analysis to biomedicine.
- Conduct high impact engineering research advancing fundamental understanding of physiology and the mechanisms that drive disease, and developing technologies and therapies to improve human health.