Congratulations to our first undergraduate class
Saturday, May 31, 2014, marked the graduation of the biomedical engineering program’s first undergraduate class. Earning bachelor’s degrees in biomedical engineering, these students followed five additional students who completed early graduation in January 2014....
BME junior’s collegiate team wins at U.S. Skating Championships
BME junior Caitlin Banks has been a synchronized skater for 8 years, with the last three years being as a member of the University of Delaware Synchronized Skating Team. The team won a silver medal at the 2012 nationals and took first place at the Eastern Sectional...
BME graduate student selected to participate in Fraunhofer-UD exchange program
On March 5-6th, 2013, the inaugural Fraunhofer-Delaware Technology Summit, titled "Energy and Life Sciences - Solutions for Sustainability", brought together scientists and engineers from Europe and the U.S. During the summit, Fraunhofer and UD announced and...