Designing for health
Interdisciplinary senior design projects of BME and ME undergrads yield new engineering designs for better diagnostics, treatment. Read more
Professor named
BME congratulates Michela Taufer for being elected to the steering committee of the SC Conference Series, a premier international conference on high-performance computing, networking, storage and analysis that hosts more than 10,000 people each year. Read more
Innovative technology
Emily Day is leading groundbreaking cancer research with UD students. Her team is currently creating second-generation spherical nucleic acids that have decreased brain tumors in animals and will soon be tested on breast cancer in human subjects. Read more
SimuTrach awarded 1st place technology innovation
SimuTrach, a device developed by UD engineering students that provides realistic training for the care of tracheostomy patients, was selected as the first-place technology innovation winner by the 15th International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare Scientific...
BME undergrads visit Air Liquide
On October 3rd, a group of engineering students, including BME students, were invited to Air Liquide in Newark, Delaware for National Manufacturing Day with Senator Coons. They learned about the company and its life sciences department. Air Liquide plans to invest...
BME students attend Coulter College
14, a team of UD BME students were selected to attend the BMES Coulter College. The team included 6 BME juniors and was led by Dr. Anita Singh (Assistant Professor for Instruction in BME) and by a clinical collaborator, Michael McCulloch, from Nemours. Coulter College...
UD BME shows strong presence at BMES meeting
At the annual BMES conference in San Antonio, Texas in October 2014, UD’s BME program showed a strong presence. Our BME-affiliated faculty served as session chairs for 4 sessions. Moreover, 13 faculty and 3 graduate students presented 9 talks and 5 posters during the...
Kristi Kiick named 2014 ACS Fellow
Kristi Kiick, professor of Materials Science, and affiliated professor in Biomedical Engineering, has been named to the 2014 American Chemical Society class of fellows. Continue Reading
Undergrads making a difference
Charytonowics named 2014 Goldwater Scholar BME undergrad Daniel Charytonowics (pictured in the middle) was named 2014 Goldwater Scholar and earned a scholarship from the Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation, considered the premier...
Manning Triplets Graduate
Congratulations to UD class of 2014 recent graduates Leslie, James, and Stephanie Manning (pictured left). James is part of the program's first full graduating class with an undergraduate degree in Biomedical Engineering. CONTINUE READING