Funding improves breast cancer survival rates
April Kloxin is part of an ever-growing body of researchers and clinicians making it their mission to outsmart breast cancer cells. Kloxin, a University of Delaware engineering professor and Pew Scholar in Biomedical Science, wants to know why 20 percent of women who...
BME Graduates First PhD Student
Ashutosh Khandha (center) completed his doctoral degree under the advisement of Profs. Tom Buchanan (left) and Lynn Snyder-Mackler. His research focused on knee gait mechanics after an anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using magnetic resonance imaging and...
Papoutsakis receives Murphree Award from ACS
Eleftherios (Terry) Papoutsakis, Unidel Eugene du Pont Chair of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the University of Delaware, has won the E.V. Murphree Award in Industrial and Engineering Chemistry from the American Chemical Society. The award is sponsored...
Research Experiences for Undergrads
NSF-funded program supports diverse group of undergraduates in biomechanical engineering Even accomplished researchers know that luck can play a role in scientific breakthroughs. That was one important message shared by Babatunde A. Ogunnaike, dean of the College of...
Symposium promotes collaboration
In 2011, biomedical engineering at the University of Delaware was a fledgling undergraduate program with a handful of faculty from various departments teaching classes and conducting research. To spur collaborations, the program’s new director, Dawn Elliott, organized...
Research Symposium
BME Research Symposium June 20, 2016 Embassy Suites Newark Biomedical Engineering will hold a research symposium that features the breadth of biomedical research in Delaware and builds new research collaborations. Faculty from across UD and nearby institutions will...
Biomedical Engineering wins Dean's Cup
For the third year in a row, the students of Biomedical Engineering have won the Dean's cup. This award is earned by the department in the College of Engineering with the largest percentage of student donations. Thank you to all who participated in helping raise money...
Postdoctoral Researcher Position
A postdoctoral researcher position in the field of cancer nanomedicine is available in the laboratory of Emily Day, Ph.D. The candidate will develop nanoparticles for treatment of cancer, and test these nanoparticles using in vitro and in vivo models of disease. The...
Art in Science Exhibit
For two weeks in April, the BME Department, along with the College of Engineering and the College of Arts and Sciences sponsored UD’s first Art in Science exhibit in the Harker Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Laboratory. This event was organized by BME...
Kenneth Barner named IEEE Fellow for work in nonlinear signal processing
Kenneth Barner, professor and chair of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Delaware, has been named an IEEE Fellow for his contributions in the area of nonlinear signal processing. IEEE Fellow is the highest grade of membership...