Early-career faculty in biomedical engineering and education honored
$23.5 Million to Expand Delaware’s Biomedical Research Pipeline
UD-led program funded by NIH and State of Delaware for another five years
Biomechanics Research Symposium
Students show how their studies could make people healthier.
Rehabilitating Knees
Buchanan Lab uses engineering science to improve rehabilitation.
Student Spotlight: Olivia Powell
This fourth-year mechanical engineering student excels in research and service.
Honor for Jill Higginson
Engineering professor named Fellow by American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering.
Harnessing UD’s Growing Neuroscience Network
Symposium reveals potential for new partnerships
New Weapon Against Breast Cancer
Light-triggered therapies work better together than separately against triple-negative breast cancer.
Doctoral Dissertation Defense – Aalap Verma
Graduate Student Aalap Verma will be defending his dissertation on Tuesday, March 19th @ 10:00 am at 366 Colburn Lab
Doctoral Dissertation Defense – Aidan Zerdoum
Aidan Zerdoum Graduate Student Aidan Zerdoum will be defending his dissertation on Tuesday, March 19th @ 2:00 pm at the Delaware Biotechnology Institute (15 Innovation Way) Room 102 Title: DIRECTING STEM CELL BEHAVIOR IN AN ENGINEERED VOCAL FOLD-LIKE...