Senior design students team up to solve a broad range of problems

A semester’s worth of work by 161 senior engineering students culminated in a six-hour celebration at the University of Delaware on Wednesday, Dec. 14. This year’s UD capstone engineering design program featured 40 projects that were supported by 29 sponsors, supervised by 12 faculty advisers, and judged by 35 evaluators. Each team put in some 1,200 hours of work over the 14-week semester.

Building on the 25-year history of mechanical engineering’s senior design program, the program — which is coordinated by assistant professors Jenni Buckley, Jean Stephens and Sarah Rooney — now includes all of UD’s biomedical engineering seniors as well as participants from electrical, civil and environmental engineering.

“We were lucky to have the opportunity to join in with the hugely successful mechanical engineering senior design course beginning with our first graduating class,” says biomedical engineering chair Dawn Elliott.


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